Registration ends on 16th August 2020
Registration will be accepted till -16th Aug 2020
- For Youth in the age group 17 years to 30 years
- Registration fee is Rs 50 for one event. & Rs 100 for participation in more than one events

Online Debate
This event is open only for the students of "Bringout the Best in you Workshop" and "Online Gita Course"
- Marriage vs Live in relationships ( Senior) ( Working)
- Did man evolve from monkeys? Creationism vs evolutionism ( Junior)( students )
The participants will be asked for the choice of for or against. Accordingly teams will be made by grouping participants. They have to meet before the event starts and discuss the topics amongst themselves.
Both the teams will initially present their points for five minutes each and then the forum is opened for discussion. At the end the audience will also be given a chance to present their points.
Finally the jury will give their opinions about the topic.
The actual debate will be on 8th and 9th August.
- Can spirituality solve the real problems of life?
- The root cause of the COVID Pandemic and Solutions.
- The secret to true happiness
- Principles and practices of Spiritual leadership
- The yoga for modern age
- No God no peace, know God know peace
Participants may select any one of the topic for elocution.
Participants are requested to make a video speech of 3 mins and upload it to the drive.
Duration: 3 minutes.
Judgement criteria: Philosophical accuracy as per the reference material, pronunciation, body language and expression.
File naming format -
- ELOC-name-mobile
- E.g. - ELOC-Krishna-9898989898
Best 8 participants will be selected for FINAL ROUND on ZOOM. Further details will be informed to respective candidate.
Last Date of Submission: 18th August, 10pm.
Final Round will be on 22nd August, Saturday.
Digital Poster Designing
You can use any online design tool like canva, photoshop, MS Office etc.. make a poster on any of the following themes.
- Janamastami 2020
- Avatars of Lord Krishna
- Yoga
- Spirituality in Pandemic – Corona Vs Lord’s Karuna
- All the participants must register themselves here:, ignore if already done.
- The poster must be of A3 size (297mm x 420mm).
- The poster must be digital, hand-drawn posters will be considered invalid.
- The decision of the ICC will be considered final, if any discrepancies arise.
- Any or all of the digital tools can be used.
- The poster must be submitted in both PNG as well as PDF format & original file as well.
- The link for submission will be sent in your email after registration.
- The participants are allowed to browse the internet for ideas and inspiration however, copying readymade posters from the internet is strictly prohibited. Such entries may be considered invalid.
- The poster will be evaluated based on
- How effectively it is conveying the idea
- Capturing attention
- Design features used in the poster.
File naming format -
- POSTER-name-mobile
- E.g. - POSTER-Krishna-9898989898
The deadline for submission is: 18th August, 10pm.
Video Making
Participants can use any suitable tools such as adobe after effects, Da Vinci resolve, Filmora etc in order to make a video on the following topics
- Sri Krishna Janamastami 2020
- Reincarnation – a fact or fiction
- Mastermind behind the mysterious universe
- Lord Krishna’s different avataras
Video Making Competition Rules
- All the participants must register themselves here:, ignore if already done.
- The video must be no longer than 3 minutes.
- The decision of the ICC will be considered final, if any discrepancies arise.
- Any or all of the digital tools can be used.
- The video much be submitted in .mp4/.avi format. The video should be in HD quality(720p)
- The link for submission will be sent in your email after registration.
- The participants are allowed to browse the internet for ideas and inspiration however, copying all the video from the internet is prohibited. Such entries may be considered invalid.
- Avoid using copyrighted videos. If you use a free stock video, please provide the link for the same in a separate word file/text file.
- Participants may utilize some segments of internet videos.
File naming format -
- VIDEO-name-mobile
- E.g. - VIDEO-Krishna-9898989898
The deadline for submission is: 18th August 10pm.
Blog/Essay Writing
Participants are needed to submit a blog or essay on any one of the below topics with keeping in mind the rules stated.
- Origin of Life – God or Chemicals?
- Age of Guided missiles but misguided men.
- Importance of celebrating festivals like Janamastami etc..
- Does Religion cause war?
- Yoga
- Selfless Service
The participants can give attractive titles to their Blog based on the Themes mentioned above.
- All the participants must register themselves here:, ignore if already done.
- The essay should comprise of 500 to 1000 words.
- The format for a blog should be a) Topic b) a relevant photo c)The body of the blog
- Quotation of suitable shlokas with proper references is allowed within the essay.
- The participants must provide the link of the articles they have referred for writing the essay towards the end of the essay.
- The participants are allowed to browse the internet for ideas and inspiration however, copying some/all the elements from the internet is strictly prohibited. Such entries may be considered invalid.
- The link for submission will be sent in your email after registration.
- If plagiarism( copying others ideas) is found then the essay/ blog will be rejected.
File naming format -
- BLOG-name-mobile
- E.g. - BLOG-Krishna-9898989898
The deadline for submission is: 18th August 10pm.
Pick & Speak(JAM)
The participants will be called on the spot to pick up a topic and speak for 1 minute.
He will be given about a minute to think and frame the flow in his mind.
The objective is to talk about a given subject, for just a minute, without repetition, hesitation or deviation.
- Positive points for every second that you speak
- Positive points for every correct objection
- Negative points for every incorrect objection
- Bonus points for being the last speaker
The winner is the person with the maximum number of points at the end of the round.
Date of competition: 22th August, Saturday.
Rangoli Making
Participants can make rangoli on any of the following themes.
- Sri Krishna Janamastami
- Krishna’s pastimes
- Festival themes
Rules for making rangoli:
- All the participants must register themselves here:, ignore if already done.
- One rangoli is allowed per participant.
- Any colours can be used.
- Maximum size of rangoli must be 5ft x 5ft.
- Use of flowers is allowed(If available nearby).
- Rangoli drawn on paper or any other digital platform will not be considered for evaluation.
- The decision of the ICC will be considered final, if any discrepancies arise.
- The link for submission will be sent in your email after registration.
- You have to Submit the photos of rangoli in different phases on completion. At least 4 photos with the participant making the rangoli.
- The image of your Rangoli can be submitted in both PNG or JPEG format.
File naming format -
- RANGOLI-name-mobile
- E.g. - RANGOLI-Krishna-9898989898
The deadline for submission is: 18th August 10pm.
Hare Krishna Singing
Participants can sing the Hare Krishna Mahamantra in a raga or tune of their liking keeping the following rules in mind.
Rules for Kirtan
- All the participants must register themselves here:, ignore if already done.
- Use of Digital softwares like Auto-tune or Melodine is not allowed
- Use of heavy equipment such as condenser mic or audio interfaces is not allowed.
- Singing of Hare Krishna Mahamantra in filmy tunes will not be entertained. You can refer to kirtans available on “ISKCON Desire Tree” youtube channel.
- Use of accompanied instruments such as Harmonium, Tabla, Mridanga, Dholak, Kartals and acoustic Guitar or other wind instruments is allowed.
- Recording must be sent in .mp4/.avi format.
- The link for submission will be sent in your email after registration.
- The decision of the ICC will be considered final, if any discrepancies arise.
- Emphasis will be given on traditional setup in video(example – Indian outfit, devotional background etc.)
- The participants are allowed to browse the internet for ideas and inspiration.
File naming format -
- SINGING-name-mobile
- E.g. - SINGING-Krishna-9898989898
The deadline for submission is: 18th August 10pm.
Common instructions for recording and uploading participants videos.
Hare Krishna,
All participating contestants are requested to follow rules and then share videos with us.
Rules for Contest -
1. Camera should be at Eye-level.
2. There should be enough light and the audio should be clear. (light on face and No shadow - record in day not in evening or night)
3. There should enough space over the head.
4. Try to record so that video is stable (not shaking due to holding the Camera in hand).
5. We will not accept Shaking video
6. Background can be plain wall.
7. Don't use any music to avoid copyright issue. (You or family members can play instruments but not of any other singer/musician)
8. We will not accept any video on Whats app.
Registration will be accepted till -16th Aug 2020
- We recommend you to register as soon as possible
- Registration fee is Rs 50 for one event. & Rs 100 for participation in more than one events