Online Event, Started on 13th Dec 2020

For Registration Please click the link:
- Registration Fee - 150/- per participant
- Participate in any number of competitions
- Registration will be accepted till -31st Dec 2020 [but we recommend you to register as soon as possible]
- Last date for Performance Submission - 1st Jan 2021
- All Results on 15th Jan 2021
Junior [ Age Group 5-10 yrs ]
Participants should recite any 4 shlokas from Chapter 7 of Gita without seeing.
Duration 3 minutes
Judgement Criteria: Clarity in pronunciation , Proper tune/meter of shloka, Translation ( From Bhagvad Gita As It Is – ISKCON : available ONLINE )
Language for translation can be English, Hindi or Kannada.
File naming format -
- name-mobile
- E.g. - Damodar-9898989898
Best 8 participants will be selected for FINAL ROUND on ZOOM. Further details will be informed to respective candidate.
Senior [ Age Group 11-16 yrs ]
Participants should recite any 5 shlokas from Chapter 10 & 12 of Gita without seeing.
Duration : 4 Minutes
Judgement criteria : Clarity in pronunciation , Proper tune/meter of shloka, Translation ( From Bhagvad Gita As It Is – ISKCON : available ONLINE )
Language for translation can be English, Hindi or Kannada.
File naming format -
- name-mobile
- E.g. - Damodar-9898989898
Best 8 participants will be selected for FINAL ROUND on ZOOM. Further details will be informed to respective candidate.
See common instructions for uploading and recording participants video
Senior [ Age Group 11-16 yrs ]
Maximum of 1000 words.
Language can be Kannada/ English.
Topics -
- Karma-As you sow so shall you reap
- Mind is a Friend or enemy(Bhagavad Gita 6th chapter)
- Am I this body(ref:Bhagavad Gita 2nd chapter)
- How Bhagavad Gita helped me
- How can student get benefited by reading Bhagavad Gita
- Divine and Demon within(Bhagavad Gita 16th chapter)
Participants should write essay in a ruled A4 sheet.
Take good quality photo or scaned photo and upload it to the link which will be shared to you immediatly on registration.
Make sure text is clearly readable in the photo.
Judgement Criteria: Content, Flow, Creativity, Grammatical composition and vocabulary.
File naming format -
- name-mobile
- E.g. - Damodar-9898989898
Junior [ Age Group 5-10 yrs ]
Participants can select any one of the uploaded sample drawing from Bhagavad Gita.
Click Here for sample Sketches
Participants can choose colouring options as per their choice like crayons, sketchpen etc.,
Upload 2 photos
- Photo of the Painting
- Photo of painting with participant
on a link which will be shared to you on registration.
Judgement Criteria: Visual appeal, color combination, creativity and neatness, Jury’s judgement.
File naming format -
- name-mobile
- E.g. -Damodar-9898989898
Best 3 participants will be the winners.
Senior [ Age Group 11-16 yrs ]
Participants can select any one of the themes from Bhagavad Gita.(Ex: Krishna speaking Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna, Krishna showing Virata Rupa).
Participants have to draw and then paint.
Participants can choose colouring options as per their choice like crayons, water colour, etc.,
Upload 2 photos
- Photo of the Painting
- Photo of painting with participant
on a link which will be shared to you on registration.
Judgement Criteria: Visual appeal, color combination, creativity and neatness, Based on number Jury’s judgement.
File naming format -
- name-mobile
- E.g. - Damodar-9898989898
Best 3 participants will be the winners.
Junior [ Age Group 5-10 yrs ]
Songs shall be preferably in Kannada / Hindi language.
Songs should be bhakti songs written by vaishnava saints[ like Dasara padagalu, jayadev goswami, meerabai etc.]
Max Duration: 4 minutes.
Judgement Criteria: Voice quality, raga, bhava, tala, laya.
File naming format -
- name-mobile
- E.g. - Damodar-9898989898
Best 8 participants will be selected for FINAL ROUND on ZOOM. Further details will be informed to respective candidate.
Senior [ Age Group 11-16 yrs ]
Songs shall be preferably in Kannada / Hindi language.
Songs should be bhakti songs written by vaishnava saints[ like Dasara padagalu, jayadev goswami, meerabai etc.]
Max Duration: 3 + 1 minutes.
Judgement Criteria: Voice quality, raga, bhava, tala, laya.
File naming format -
- name-mobile
- E.g. - Damodar-9898989898
Best 8 participants will be selected for FINAL ROUND on ZOOM. Further details will be informed to respective candidate.
See common instructions for uploading and recording participants video
Senior [ Age Group 11-16 yrs ]
Topics -
- Reincarnation is it real? (Ref: Bhagavad Gita)
- Law of thoughts(Bhagavad Gita 8.3-4)
- Can we see Krishna with our eyes(Bhagavad Gita 10.20-42)
- Bhagavad Gita’s principle applicable universally and forever?
- Is yoga an end result or a process? (Ref Bhagavad Gita)
- Why Bhagavad Gita can be read anyone?
Participants may select any one passage for Elocution.
Language can be Kannada / English
Duration: 3 minutes.
Judgement criteria: Philosophical accuracy as per the reference material, pronunciation, body language and expression.
File naming format -
- name-mobile
- E.g. - Damodar-9898989898
Best 8 participants will be selected for FINAL ROUND on ZOOM. Further details will be informed to respective candidate.
See common instructions for uploading and recording participants video
Quiz on Bhagavad Gita
Junior [ Age Group 5-10 yrs ]
Guidelines :
Questions ( MCQ’s, Fill in the blank etc..) will be based on the topics of Bhagavad Gita chapters 7,8,9 .
Senior [ Age Group 11-16 yrs ]
Guidelines :
Questions ( MCQ’s, Fill in the blank etc..) will be based on the topics of Bhagavad Gita chapters 10,11,12.
Date : 2nd Jan 2021 – 6PM . Online link for the quiz will be sent later to participants on the day of competition.
Best 8 participants will be selected for FINAL ROUND.
Common instructions for recording and uploading participants videos.
Hare Krishna,
All participating contestants are requested to follow rules and then share videos with us.
We will give Telegram link for uploading videos once they registered
Rules for Contest -
1. Camera should be at Eye-level.
2. There should be enough light and the audio should be clear. (light on face and No shadow - record in day not in evening or night)
3. There should enough space over the head.
4. Try to record so that video is stable (not shaking due to holding the Camera in hand).
5. We will not accept Shaking video
6. Background can be plain wall.
7. Don't use any music to avoid copyright issue. (You or family members can play instruments but not of any other singer/musician)
8. We will not accept any video on Whats app.
9. Video duration - maximum 4 minutes
10. File Naming Format: name-mobile
- eg - Damodhar-9898989898
For Registration Please click the link
- Registration Fee - 150/- per participant
- Participate in any number of competitions
- Registration will be accepted till -25th Dec 2020 [but we recommend you to register as soon as possible]
- Last date for Performance Submission - 1st Jan 2021
- All Results on 15th Jan 2021